Transferring licenses, Network settings – Echelon LNS DDE Server User Manual
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Edition), or if this is a replacement for a lost key, fill in the appropriate fields,
and enter 0 as the price.
8. Email the form to the license administrator address at the top of the form, or if
you do not have access to email, fax the form to the license administrator fax
number at the top of the form. If you are ordering the application key through a
distributor, the distributor may provide you with an alternate mailing address or
fax number for the license administrator. Upon receipt of your order, the license
administrator will provide you with an application key that enables Unlimited
Mode for the specified PC. You cannot use this key with an LNS DDE Server
installed on another PC.
9. When you receive your application key, click the Register Application Key
button on the License Settings tab. The following dialog appears:
10. Type the 26 character key and click OK. If you received the application key by
email, open the message with the key, copy the key to the clipboard, click the
Register Application Key button, paste the key, and click OK. If you type
in the application key correctly, Unlimited Mode is enabled and the fields in the
License Settings dialog will be updated to reflect the change.
Transferring Licenses
If you have created an Unlimited mode license as described in the previous sections,
you can transfer the license to another PC by clicking the Transfer License button on
the same computer, then on the destination computer. Follow the displayed
When you click this button, the License Transfer application starts. The License
Transfer application is used to transfer a license from one computer to another. Only
Unlimited Mode licenses can be transferred from or to a computer.
Note: During the time that the License Transfer application is running, the License
Settings dialog cannot be closed.
Network Settings
To configure the LNS DDE Server settings for an individual network, right-click the
network name in the folder pane and select Configure from the shortcut menu. You
can also open Configure menu, point to Networks, select Configure All, and then
LNS DDE Server User's Guide