Format files, Type files, Format errors – Echelon LNS DDE Server User Manual

Page 45: Format use, Format search, Network server

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Format Files

This option generates a message each time a format file is opened. The full path of

the format file is included in the message. The server normally opens all registered

format files during startup.

Type Files

This option generates a message each time a type file is opened. The full path of the
type file is included in the message. The server normally opens all registered type

files during startup.

Format Errors

This option generates a message when a format error occurs. The message contains

information about the point in error, the internal name of the format file, the error

code, and in some cases the string that caused the error.

A formatting error occurs when the formatted or binary data contains invalid data.
The data is considered invalid when it does not conform to the constraints for the

data type of the point.

Format Use

This option generates one or two messages for each point (network variable,

configuration property, or field thereof), that is accessed by a client application.

The first message contains information about the point name, field name (if

applicable), format file, format specification handles, number of fields, and length (in
bytes). A second message will be generated if a type has been explicitly specified by

the client application by using the ‘-t’ option.

Format Search

This option generates a format search message when the server is unable to locate a

format specification. The server will print out the program ID of the device

containing the point (the point may be a network variable or configuration property),
the scope selector, index, and any explicitly assigned format specification as

registered in the LNS network database.

Network Server

Communication between the LNS DDE Server and the LNS network operating

system is handled by a separate process. This process is the LNS Network Server.
The LNS Network Server is started, stopped, and controlled by the LNS DDE Server

application. The LNS Network Server has no visible window.

LNS DDE Server User's Guide
