Echelon LNS DDE Server User Manual
Page 125
PCC10L7 is selected in the NI Application list. Click Apply whether or not
you change the value.
5. Click
Diagnostics button. If the PCLTA-10/20 and PCC-10 software and
hardware installation has proceeded correctly, the following dialog appears:
6. Refer to the PCLTA-10, PCLTA-20, or PCC-10 online help in the Echelon
Drivers program folder if this dialog does not appear.
7. Click
Test button. The following statistics will appear if the card is
functioning correctly (some of your values may be different):
-- Network Interface Status
CRC Errors: [00000]
TX Timeouts:[00000]
Lost (APP) Messages: [00000]
Missed (NET) Messages:
Node State: Unconfigured
Most recent error: 0
Reset Cause: External
If you receive an error message or your system hangs after clicking the Test
button, uninstall the driver, reboot your PC, re-install the software, and try
running this diagnostic again.
8. If the test passes, you know that the PC can communicate with the network
interface card. The next step is to be sure that the interface card can
communicate with a test device. Click the Comm button to display the
following :
This procedure will configure the Network Interface
for a zero-length domain. Do you want to proceed?
LNS DDE Server User’s Guide