4 using properties – Echelon LNS DDE Server User Manual
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device with the same name exists in the same subsystem, the value of the property for
the application device will be returned. Change the name of either the router or
application device to receive properties for each one.
Properties Available in both Application Devices and
Issues a reset command to the device or router.
Tests an application device or router. The test consists of determining that
the device can communicate on the network, and that the device
information is consistent with what is registered in the LNS database for
the device.
The test must first be invoked by writing a value to this property. Any
property can be written, but it is recommended you write a value which is
not a possible return value such as the value 99. While the test is in
progress, the written value will be returned as the value of this property.
Once the test has been completed, the result of the test is returned as the
value of this property. The result codes and their meaning are as follows;
The device passed all applicable tests.
Unable to communicate with the device. The device might not be
attached to the network, powered off, or faulty.
Unable to communicate with the device using Neuron ID addressing,
and could not test the device using subnet/node ID addressing
because the device has not been added or defined yet.
Intermittent communication failure. Succeeded in communicating
with the device using subnet/node addressing, but could not
communicate with the device using Neuron ID addressing. Retry the
test to see if the error persists.
Unable to verify subnet/node configuration. Succeeded in
communicating with the device using Neuron ID addressing, but
could not communicate with the device using subnet/node
addressing. Could not verify subnet/node configuration.
Unable to communicate using subnet/node addressing. Succeeded
in communicating with the device using Neuron ID addressing, but
could not communicate with the device using subnet/node
addressing. However, the device is configured with the expected
subnet/node address. This error can occur if the device is
unconfigured state, or might be caused by intermittent device or
channel failures. Retry the test to see if the error persists.
Neuron ID mismatch. Succeeded in communicating with the device
using Neuron ID addressing. However, when using subnet/node
addressing, the responding device contains a different Neuron ID.
This failure indicates that multiple devices are configured with the
same domain/subnet/node address.
Domain ID mismatch. The domain ID in the device and the domain
ID configured for the device does not match.
Neuron ID mismatch. Unable to communicate with the device using
Neuron ID addressing. However, the device that responded to the
subnet/node addressed test message contains a different Neuron ID.
It appears that the subnet/node address is configured in the
responding device but not the tested device. One possible cause is
that the tested device is supposed to replace the responding device,
but the network images in both devices have not been updated yet.
Subnet/node mismatch. The subnet/node address configured in the
device does not match the network image. This result will be returned
if the device’s domain address has not been configured.
10 Neuron ID not configured. This result will be returned if the device
was added to the network, but without specifying a Neuron ID, and
8-4 Using