Introduction, Intouch overview – Echelon LNS DDE Server User Manual

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The InTouch example provides an overview of how to use the InTouch software
with the LNS DDE Server. See Using the InTouch Example in Chapter 2 for a

description of the requirements for using the example, and for installation


The following section provides a brief description of InTouch. You can skip this

section if you are an experienced InTouch user.

Intouch Overview

Wonderware’s InTouch 7.0 is a Windows PC based supervisory HMI development

tool included with Wonderware’s Factory Suite 2000. InTouch enables rapid

development of graphical monitoring and control applications that interact with

a versatile offering of DDE based I/O servers. InTouch uses three integrated

applications that perform the following functions.

InTouch Application Manager - Is used to create, manage, and select HMI

application projects.

InTouch WindowMaker - Is the devleopment environment used to create

HMI applications.

InTouch WindowViewer - Is the runtime environment for applications

created in WindowMaker.

Normally, the HMI application developer runs the InTouch Application

Manager to setup the framework for the application projects, and then spends

their time in the WindowMaker and WindowViewer applications as the custom

HMI is developed in iterative steps.

In InTouch, the tag dictionary is central to the operation of the application. The

tag dictionary is a high performance database that is used to connect application

data to graphic objects using animation links. The graphic objects provide the

user’s view to a system. There are four basic tag data types:


Used to represent 2-state conditions of either 0 (False, Off) or 1 (True, On).


A 32-bit signed integer value between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647.


A floating (decimal) point value between -3.4e38 and 3.4e38. All floating point

calculations are performed with 64-bit resolution, but the result is stored as a 32-

bit value.


A text string that can be up to 131 characters


WonderWare InTouch Example