Echelon Mini FX User Manual

Page 103

background image

90 Developing




#include ""

#pragma enable_sd_nv_names // Show useful names to integrator
#pragma run_unconfigured // Allow running standalone
#pragma num_alias_table_entries 10 // required by compiler

// Configuration properties:
network input cp SCPTsetPnts nciSetPnts; // See text!
network input cp SCPTmaxSendTime nciHeartbeat;
network input cp SCPTminDeltaTemp nciHysteresis;

network input cp SCPTgain nciCoolFactor; // Cooler coeff.
network input cp SCPTgain nciHeatFactor; // Heater coeff.

// Network variables
network input SNVT_temp_p nviSetpoint = 2100ul;

network output bind_info(unackd) SNVT_lev_percent nvoCool nv_properties {
nciCoolFactor = {3, 1}

network output bind_info(unackd) SNVT_lev_percent nvoHeat nv_properties {
nciHeatFactor = {5, 2}

network output bind_info(unackd) SNVT_temp_p nvoCurrent;
network output bind_info(unackd) SNVT_hvac_status nvoUnitStatus;

fblock SFPTthermostat {
nviSetpoint implements nviSetPoint;
nvoCool implements nvoCoolOutput;
nvoHeat implements nvoHeatOutput;
nvoCurrent implements nvoSpaceTemp;
nvoUnitStatus implements nvoUnitStatus;
} MyThermostat fb_properties {
nciHysteresis = { 100 } // 1 degree

The application drives the control algorithm, which is implemented in the Thermostat()

function, when necessary:

// The application’s main algorithm is run from the 'Thermostat'
// function. This function is being called under three conditions:
// (a) during reset processing, (b) when the setpoint input network
// variable changes, or (c) once every second for periodic sampling
// of the current ambient temperature. Periodic sampling is governed
// by the sampleTimer application timer, whose interval is governed
// by SCPTmaxSendTime (nciHeartbeat). If this heartbeat CP is zero,
// the application samples at SAMPLETIMER_DEFAULT_INTERVAL (1s).

void Thermostat(void);

stimer sampleTimer;

when(reset) {

LcdDisplayString(0,0, "Thermostat Example");
LcdDisplayString(1,0, "-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+");