Echelon i.LON 600 LonWorks/IP Server User Manual
Page 101

Section 3: Appendixes
DnsServerViaDhcp – Obtaining DNS Server from DHCP.
DnsDomainViaDhcp – Obtaining DNS suffix via DHCP.
eventlog on|off
Turns the console event log on and off. The event log is kept in
eventlog.txt in the root directory of the i.LON 600 server.
factorydefault Resets
.LON 600 server to its factory defaults. Files added by the
user outside of the /root/software directory (i.e. Web pages) are
not affected. Echelon highly recommends that user run this command
from the i.LON 600 bootrom console. See
Interrupting the Boot
Process, later in this Appendix, for more
ftppassword password
Sets the FTP password to password; anonymous FTP is not allowed.
By default, the FTP password is ilon. If the Global password on the
Security Web page is changed, the FTP password will be changed to
the same value.
ftpuser name
Sets the FTP username to name. By default, the FTP username is
. If the Global username on the Security Web page is changed, the
FTP username will be changed to the same value.
format Formats
.LON 600 server’s flash disk. Caution! This command
deletes all files, including the i.LON 600 server’s system image file.
After using this command, you must upload a new software image to
the i.LON 600 server. Echelon highly recommends that user run this
command from the i.LON 600 bootrom console. See
Interrupting the Boot
Process, later in this Appendix, for more
gateway address
Modifies the gateway address. Enter to specify no gateway.
For example, gateway This command is valid only if
DHCP is turned off.
Displays a list of typically used commands. Help all displays a
complete command list.
history [size]
If you do not specify the size parameter, this command displays a
history of console commands issued since the last reboot. You can
specify a size from 10 to 100 to determine how far back the command
history is kept.
hostname name
Modifies the host name. For example, hostname ilon600.
install idx|name [dmn]sn nd
Installs a L
domain/subnet/node address for the application
specified by idx. Caution! This command is provided for backward
compatibility to add an i.LON 600 server to a pre-installed network.
Echelon does not recommend or support using this command. The
.LON 600 server should be installed using a standard network
installation tool such as the LonMaker tool.
ipaddress address
Modifies the IP address. For example, ipaddress 101.253.100.
This command is valid only when DHCP is turned off.
Lists the current application instances.
1 to 3
Sets the channel mode (i.e. compat/EIA/firewall) and displays
current mode if none is supplied.
.1 corresponds to backward
compatibility mode, 2 corresponds to Standard EIA 852 mode and 3
corresponds to extended firewall support
lwipport port number
Sets the IP port used for the L
/IP channel.
mkdir directory
Makes a directory.
nataddr IP address
Sets the NAT address, displays current addr if none supplied.
ping hostaddr
Tests communications to another IP host.
reboot Reboots
.LON 600 server. If the i.LON 600 server is currently
being used as an RNI, the networks for which it is acting as an
interface must be closed and opened.
i.LON 600 User’s Guide