Echelon i.LON 600 LonWorks/IP Server User Manual

Page 100

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Section 3: Appendixes

activateapp for supported names. This command does not delete the
instance of the application; it deactivates the application. This function
is primarily used for troubleshooting.

delete file

Deletes file.

dhcp on|off

Turns DHCP on and off. If DHCP is on, the i.LON 600 DHCP client
retrieves its IP address, gateway, subnet mask, primary DNS server (if
used), and DNS domain from a DHCP server.

diag Module subcommand

Performs diagnostic commands on the i.LON 600 server. You may be
asked to perform these command
s by Echelon support personnel to
assist them in diagnosing problems with your i.LON 600 server. The

argument must be set to ConMan (connection manager). Valid



trace [value] – This subcommand sets and views the debug trace
level. To view the current trace level, provide no argument (i.e. diag
ConMan trace). To turn on tracing, enter one of the following

0x01 – enable MAJOR_EVENT
0x02 – enable MINOR_EVENT
0x04 – enable STATE_TRANSITION
0x20 – enable AUTHENTICATION
You can enable multiple traces by adding the values of the traces to
be enabled. For example, the following command enables
diag ConMan trace 0x5
ping IpAddress [count] – Pings the IpAddress count times. For
example, the following command pings 5 times:
diag ConMan ping 5
If all pings get a response, the console will display:
IpAddress is alive
If the pings get no response, the console will display:
No answer from IpAddress
Show [route] – The diag ConMan show command displays

connection manager configuration information. If the optional route
parameter is entered (i.e. diag ConMan show route),

connection manager configuration and IP routing information is shown.

dir [directory]

Lists directory contents. If no directory is specified, lists the contents of
the current directory.

disable service

Disables a service. Available services are:
Ftp – FTP access
Web – HTTP access
Dial-in – Dial-in access
DnsServerViaDhcp – Obtaining DNS server from DHCP.
DnsDomainViaDhcp – Obtaining DNS suffix via DHCP.

dnsdomain domain

Sets the DNS domain name. This command is valid only when DHCP
is turned off or Obtaining DNS Suffix From DHCP is disabled while
DHCP is enabled (see the enable and disable commands for more

dnsprimary address

Sets the IP address of the primary DNS server. This command is valid
only when DHCP is turned off or Obtaining DNS Suffix From DHCP is
disabled while DHCP is enabled (see the enable and disable
commands for more information).

dnssecondary address

Sets the IP address of the secondary DNS server. This will only be
used if the primary DNS server cannot be contacted.

enable service

Enables a service. Available services are:
Ftp – FTP access
Web – HTTP access
Dial-in – Dial-in access


i.LON 600 Console Application