TeeJet RX 400p User Manual

Page 61

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RX 400p

4-19 98-05044



This menu item displays the current antenna
latitude in degrees / minutes / decimal minutes
(DM.M) by default. Other display formats are
possible, including degrees / decimal degrees
(D.D) and degrees / minutes / seconds (DMS).
These other display formats are discussed in
further detail in Section 4.15.2.

Latitude information is parsed from the GPGGA
NMEA message. The latitude, measured to the
phase center of the antenna, is usually referenced
to the WGS-84 ellipsoid, however, some DGPS
services result in a position relating to the North
American Datum 1983 (NAD-83). This datum is
essentially equivalent to this ellipsoid,
considering the level of accuracy of this product.


This menu item displays the current antenna
longitude in degrees / minutes / decimal minutes
(DM.M) by default. Other display formats are
possible, including degrees / decimal degrees
(D.D) and degrees / minutes / seconds (DMS).
These other display formats are discussed in
further detail in Section 4.15.2.