Command 06 track time comp/exp, Command 09 preview from, Command oa preview to – Roland VS-890 User Manual
Page 116: Command ob preview scrub on, Command oc preview scrub off, Command od sequest amplitude profile, Command qe request wave data, Midi implementation
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MIDI Implementation
05 DO 04# Oddddddd
05 00 05#
05 DO OC#
05 DC 07#
Track Erase Ena Ti.Tve
aaaaaaabbbbbbbcccccccddddddd =
0, , , 268425455bicck {lblock=16sainple;
; C'5 CO 09#
Í 05 OG CA#
The Number Of Target aaaaaaatbbbbbbb =
' 05 00 CE# OC - 7F
Erase V.Tr. V.Tr. i-A;1,,,V.Tr.8-E:5
; 05 nn mm# 00 - 7F
Erase V.Tr. V.Tr.l-A:l,,,V.Tr.B-B:S
¡nn mrr, * 00 OA + The Number Of Target ^
The VS-890 executes the Track Erase command.
the command succeeded,
returns the response 40. And it returns the resfK)nse41. Command 06 Track Time Comp/Exp. Start address Data Contents and remarks 05 00 OC 08 Track Time Conp/Exp. 05 00 01# Oaaaaaaa Track Time Conp/Exp. Start Time aaaaaaabbbbbbbcccccccddddddd s 05 00 03# Occccccc 0,,,268435455Ысск i 1Ь1ос>;«16за1ф1в 1 05 00 05# Oaaaaaaa Track Time Comp/Exp. End Time aaaaaaabbbbbbbcccccccddddddd * Of 00 0?# 00 oai Occccccc Oddddddd 0. , , 2бЯ435455Ысск ;1Ыоска16защр1г) 05 OC 09# Oaaaaaaa Track Time Coap/Exp. To Time aaaaaaabbbbbbbcccccccddddddd = 05 OG OB# Occccccc C, . ,266435455block i 1Ыоск=1бза1ф1е! 05 00 QD# 0-0 01 Track Time Conp/Exp. Pitch Mode Fix.Vari 05 OC OE# 00 02 Track Time Cortp/Exp. Type A,5,C [ GS OG OF# D1 - 64 Track Time Comp/Exp. Amplitude 1,,,100% 1 05 OC- 10# 1 05 OC 11# Oaaaaaaa The Number Of Target aaaaaaabbbbbbb * 1,,-128 ! 05 CG 12# OC - 7F Comp/Exp V.Tr. V.Tr.l-A:l,.,V.Tr.8-B:B 05 nr. mm#00 - 7F Comp/Exp V.Tr. V.Tr.1-A:1.,,V.Tr.8-B:8 : inn пет. = GO 11 ♦ The Number Of Target) The VS-890 execute the Time Stretch (Track Time Comp/Exp.) command. If the command succeeded, it returns the response 40. .And if any errors occurred, it returns the response 41. Command 09 Preview From Start I I address ! Data | OS 00 00 1 09 ! Preview From icencs and remarks The \'S-890 executes the Preview From command. if the command succeeded, it returns the response 40. And if any errors occurred, it returns the response 41. Command OA Preview To Start address | Data Contents and remarks Preview To The VS-890 executes the Preview To command. If the command succeeded, it returns the response 40. And if any errors occurred, it returns the response 41. Command OB Preview Scrub On Start 1 1 address | Data 1 Contents ana remarks 05 00 00 \ OB ; Preview Scrub On 05 00 Ql#! 00 - 07j Target Track 1 ,., e The VS-890 executes the Preview Scrub On command. If the command succeeded, it returns the response 40. Arnl if any errors occurred, it returns the response 4!. Command OC Preview Scrub Off Start j address | Data 05 00 00 j OC Concents and remarks Preview Scrub Off The VS-890 executes the Previexv Scrub Off command. if the command succeeded, it returns the response 40. And if any errors occurred, it returns the response 41. Command OD Sequest Amplitude Profile Start j address Data 05 OC CO i OD Contents and remarks Request Anplitude Profile 05 00 Cl# 00 7F Target V.Tr. 1-A:1, , , S-B;8 05 00 02# Oaaaaaaa From Time aaaaaaabbbbbbbcccccccddddddd » 05 00 04# Occccccc 0,, ,268435455block (lblock*16sanpie) 05 00 06# Oaaaaaaa Length Time aaaaaaabbbbbbbcccccccddddddd > 05 00 08# Occccccc 0,,,268435455biock (lblcck»16sample) 05 00 OA# Oaaaaaaa Resolution aaaaaaabbbbbbb = sampleiQi.blocks 05 00 OC# Oaaaaaaa Packet Byte Length aaaaaaabbbbbbb » 5,,,i6384(*00) The VS-8W returns the Amplitude Profile Data (the response 42). If the command succeeded, it returns the response 40. And if any errors occurred, it returns the response 41. * The data size of the Data Set (DTi) (Bytes as a unit) is set to the Pacini ^'te Length. It is efficient to set the maximum size that is ai'ailabJe for hosts to the Packet Bj'te Length. Command QE Request Wave Data Start address Data j Concents and remarks RWik«eases *ar* ssesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss' OE I Request Wave Data 05 00 01#i 00 - 7F ! Target V.Tr. l-A:1..,8-B:8 05 00 02# Oaaaaaaa Fresr. Time aaaaaaabbbbbbbcccccccddddddd = 05 00 061 Oaaaaaaal Length Tims 05 00 OA# 1 Oaaaaaaal Packet Byte Length Tlie VS-8TO returns the Wave Data (the response 43). If the command succeeded, it returns the response 40. And if any errors occurred, it returns the response 41. * TIte data size of the Data Set(DTl) (Bytes as a unit) is set to the Packet Byte Length. It is efficient to set the maximum size that is available for hosts to the Packet Byte Length. 116
05 00 02# Obbbbbbb
05 00 04#
05 00 06# Obl^bbbb
05 00 OA# Obbbbbbb
05 OC OC#
05 00 02# Obbbbbbb
05 00 05#
05 00 07# Obbbbbbb
05 00 09#
05 00 OB# Obbbbbbb
05 00 ÖD# Obbbbbbb
05 00 03#
05 00 04#
05 00 05#
0, ,, 258435455block iiblock»16sample;
05 00 07#
05 GO 08#
05 00 09#
Obbbbbbb j aaaaaaabbbbbbbcccccccddddddd =
Occccccc! C,,, 2б8435455Ысск (lblock=16sanpla!
05 00 OB#! Obbbbbbb! aaaaaaabbbbbbb « 5,,,16384{=00j