Kofax INDICIUS 6.0 User Manual
Page 103

Configuring Scripted Export
Getting Started Guide (Fixed-Form)
In the example script file, the “start_batch” function sets the name of the export file
name to be the same as the batch name; this is the simplest option for creating an
export file. The “end_batch” function closes the export file.
In the example script file, the “process_doc” function formats the data captured from
the example images and prints it out to the export file.
To view the script used by Completion
Open Script Editor by clicking Start on the taskbar to display the menu, and
selecting All Programs | INDICIUS | Tools | Script Editor.
Select File | Open File… to display an Open Script File window.
Select the following file:
<Installation Path>\examples\Order Forms\templates\Order Form.ifv.
The script functions defined in this file are outlined in Table 7-27.
Table 7-27. Script Functions
Functions Description
Displays a document if the order value
exceeds a certain amount.
Run when there is no other reason for
displaying a document.
Removes all blank rows, retrieves all item
descriptions and sets color coding etc for
the order table, also converts all date fields.
Run each time a document is loaded into
Completion. It calls the functions
“findItemDescriptions”, “getDescription”
and “FormatDate”.
findItemDescriptions Finds
for items ordered in a database.
Retrieves a text description for an item
ordered from the database.
Deletes a blank row from the order table.
Converts a date to a fixed format.