Hardy HI 2151/30WC Single-Scale Controller User Manual
Page 75

Chapter 5 - Setup
Step 2.
Press the up arrow
↑ until the Serial Port 1 SER P1 is dis-
played on the screen.
Step 3.
Press the Enter button twice. First the Serial Connect display
SERCON appears; then the Bi-directional or Print appears.
Step 4.
Use the up or down arrows
↑↓ to choose between bi-direc-
tional BI - DIR or PRINT. We used bi-directional for the
example below.
Step 5.
Press the Enter button twice. First the Serial Type Sub-Menu
SERTYP appears; then the Configured Serial Protocol
appears. For Example RS-232. (See Chapter 4 for Configura-
tion Information)
If the Serial Protocol number displayed is not the one you want, STOP the setup pro-
cess. Reconfigure the serial protocol (See Chapter 4) and begin the setup procedures
Step 6.
Press the Enter button twice. First the Baud Rate Sub-Menu
BAUD appears; then the current preset BAUD rate is dis-
Step 7.
Use the up or down arrow
↑↓ buttons to select 1200, 2400,
4800, 9600, or 19,200. The example uses 19,200 BAUD.
Step 8.
Press Enter twice. First the Frame sub-menu FRAME
appears; then 8-N-1 appears.
Step 9.
Press the down arrow
↓ button five times. First 7-0-1 appears,
then 7-E-1 appears, then 8-N-2 appears, then 8-0-1 appears,
and finally A-E-1 appears.
Step 10. The down arrow
↓ is used to select the Frame you want.
When the frame selection you want appears press the Enter
button. FORMAT appears.
Step 11. Press the Enter button. Gross, Net, Tare, Rate of Change, Set
Point, Print, either one G-----, or any combination such as G-
T--- or all GNTRSP may appear.
Step 12. Use up arrow
↑ to select "P" (to output on demand), or "_" (to
output continuously).
Use the left arrow
← to move cursor one space to the left to
highlight the letter "S". The "S" starts flashing.
Use the up arrow
↑ to select "S" (to output set points) or "_"
(will not output set points).
Use the left arrow
← to move the cursor one space to the
left to highlight the letter "R". The letter "R" starts flashing.
Use the up arrow
↑ to select "R" (to output the rate of
change), or "_" (will not output rate of change)