Control options -6, Peak hold (-c1) -6 rate-of-change (roc) (-c2) -6, Set point options -6 – Hardy HI 2151/30WC Single-Scale Controller User Manual

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PROFIBUS Interface
Option (-B12)

Allows bi-directional communications to Profibus (Process Fieldbus)
products including those made by Siemens, GE Fanuc and Texas
Instruments. This interface supports PROFIBUS-DP (Decentralized
Periphery) and processes both Selectable Predetermined and Block
transfer commands. It supports up to 12 Mbaud transfer rates.

Dynamic Data
Exchange (DDE) (-

Allows bi-directional communications with a PC over the serial port

using Windows


3.x, Windows


95, or Windows


NT. The DDE links

the HI 2151 series weight controllers to a Windows-based application

software such as: Wonderware


, Visual Basic


, Excel


, Lotus 1-2-3



or Quattro Pro




Windows, Visual Basic and Excel are all registered Trademarks of the Microsoft Cor-
poration. Wonderware is a registered trademark of the Wonderware Corporation.
Lotus 1-2-3 is a registered trademark of I.B.M. Quattro Pro is a registered trademark
of the Corel Corporation. All terms mentioned in this manual that are known to be
trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalized. Hardy Instruments
cannot attest to the accuracy of this information. Use of a term in this manual should
not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.

Control Options

Peak Hold (-C1)

This option is generally used in testing to determine peak forces a prod-
uct or material can withstand. It can also be used to track the highest
force applied to the scale. It displays and stores the highest gross
weight value measured until that value is cleared by a command from
the front panel key pad or a remote source.

(ROC) (-C2)

The ROC option measures and displays the rate at which a material
enters or is dispensed from the scale over a period of time. The register
for ROC holds 21 entries. New weight values are input to the register at
the rate of 1/20th of the time base. The first register is subtracted from
the 21st Register, which is one time base older than the 1st register. The
time frame can be set to units per second, minute or hour. A time base
of discrete values is selectable from 1 to 1800.

Set Point Options

TTL(Transistor -
Transistor Logic)
Level Output (-D1)

Provides six TTL level outputs rated at 500 milliamps per line. A mat-
ing connector with eight 24-gauge, unterminated wires, 60 inches long
is also provided.

External Setpoint
Relays Card (-D2)

This externally mounted card is equipped with six solid-state triac
relays. (See Chapter Two for Specifications) Individual relays can be
configured as form A or form B by an on-board dip switch. Each can be
programmed to respond to the standard Net or Gross modes of opera-
tion or the optional ROC, Totalizer or peak hold modes. Each have
individual setpoint, preact, and deadband parameters. A 60-inch inter-
face cable is provided. This option should not be used with the wall-
mount enclosure.