Hardy HI 2151/30WC Single-Scale Controller User Manual

Page 73

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Chapter 5 - Setup


a. Press the left arrow on time to select "G".

b. Press the up or down arrow until the G appears.

c. Now when the BCD Controller triggers the output, the

Gross Weight is sent.

d. If you do not want to select Gross mode, press the up or

down arrow until a space appears "_".

Step 6.

Press the Exit button three times to return to the Main Menu

Serial Port Menu Setup
Procedure (See Chapter
4 for Configuration

The standard serial port is setup through the option menu and is
identified as SER P1.

The following is a brief description of each parameter, followed by
details on menu operation.




Serial port configuration. The port can be used as
either a print output port or as a bi-directional
communication port.


Baud rate selection. The baud rates that can be
selected are: 1200, 2400, 9600, or 19,200.


Parity selection for transmission error detection.
Allows parity to be set at even, odd, or no parity.


Stop bit selection. Sets number of bits used to
indicate end of a transmission frame. The number of
stop bits can be set to 1 or 2.


Word length selection. Sets the number bits for each
data word. Word length can be set to 7 or 8 bits.


Formats the serial data output. To configure the
output use the left arrow button to select the code
letter corresponding to the specific parameter(s).
When the letter is flashing use the up or down arrow
buttons to toggle the code letter on the display. To
enable a specific parameter, the code letter must be
shown on the display. Pressing the -/Test/Clr button
will restore all code letters. The codes are:


Gross Weight


Net Weight


Tare Value


Rate of Change (ROC)


Set point, Deadband, Preact Values