Cub Cadet Fun Runner User Manual

Page 81

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Test motor current draw (Figure 5-8).

Note: Test should be done with driver
only, (no payload) and on level ground.

If motor is weak, performance is bad or is
suspected to cause low range or overheating of

Connect clamp on inductive current sensor to
one of the motor cables and set meter to read
current of up to 150 amps. Drive vehicle and
record current readings at various speeds as
follows. Drive at a steady speed on level ground.

5mph – 25 to 35 amps
12mph – 30 to 45 amps

Note: Values are approximate and may vary
some with different terrain and driver
weights. If amperage is considerably higher
than it should be, the motor is not operating
efficiently. Make sure there is no mechanical
problem causing motor to overwork, such as
dragging brakes.

Install rear body section.

Install canopy.

Install utility bed or storage compartment.

Note: Storage compartment fits into rear
area with no fasteners.

For utility bed, make sure spacers are positioned
to keep bed from distorting body section when
screws are tightened.