4 playing a presentation, 4 playing a presentation -4-1, Using auto play -4-1 – Casio 330 User Manual

Page 625: Using auto play

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11-4 Playing a Presentation

This section explains the various methods you can use to play a presentation.

Using Auto Play

With auto play, the pages of the presentation are scrolled automatically at a fixed interval.

S ClassPad Operation

(1) On the Presentation application initial screen,

tap the button next to the presentation
file you want to play, so it is selected.



, or tap [Play] and then [AutoPlay].

• This starts auto play, which displays the
pages of the presentation in sequence.

Current page number Total number of pages


Playing a Presentation

This file is selected

(3) When playback reaches the final page it stops, and then the Presentation application

initial screen appears.

• To stop an auto play operation part way through, tap

on the icon panel or press


* key.
