1 main application overview, 1 main application overview -1-1, Starting up the main application – Casio 330 User Manual

Page 110: Main application window

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Main Application Overview

2-1 Main Application Overview

This section provides information about the following.

• Main application windows
• Modes that determine how calculations and their results are displayed
• Menus and their commands

Starting Up the Main Application

Use the following procedure to start up the Main application.

S ClassPad Operation

On the application menu, tap


This starts the Main application and displays the work area.

Main Application Window

Starting up the Main application displays a large white work area.

Work area
Use this area for inputting
operations and commands.
ClassPad also uses this
area to output calculation

Menu bar
The [Action] menu and
[Interactive] menu are for
executing mathematical


Status bar
This area shows the current
mode settings for the Main