Using the list-create submenu -8-21, Using the list-create submenu – Casio 330 User Manual

Page 181

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Using the Action Menu

S compToPol

Function: Transforms a complex number into its polar form.

Syntax: compToPol (Exp/Eq/List/Mat [ ) ]

• Ineq (inequality) includes the “

p” (not equal to) relational operator.

Example: To transform 1 +


into its polar form (in the Radian mode)

Menu Item: [Action][Complex][compToPol]

S compToTrig

Function: Transforms a complex number into its trigonometric/hyperbolic form.

Syntax: compToTrig (Exp/Eq/List/Mat [ ) ]

• Ineq (inequality) includes the “

p” (not equal to) relational operator.

Example: To transform 1 +


into its trigonometric form (in the Radian mode)

Menu Item: [Action][Complex][compToTrig]

Using the List-Create Submenu

The [List-Create] submenu contains commands that are related to creating lists.