ETS-Lindgren 2090 Controller User Manual

Page 94

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Using the GPIB Command Set with the Model 2090

Model 2090 Multi-Device Controller

MsgBox Msg$, 0, "Command Error"
End If
If (ESR And 16) Then ' Execution Error
Msg$ = "The previous command had an invalid argument," + Chr$(13)
Msg$ = Msg$ + "or a device dependent error condition prevented" + Chr$(13)
Msg$ = Msg$ + "the command from being executed. Advanced" + Chr$(13)
Msg$ = Msg$ + "programming techniques can avoid this error."
MsgBox Msg$, 0, "Execution Error"
End If
If (ESR And 4) Then ' Query Error
Msg$ = "The controller was addressed to talk with nothing," + Chr$(13)
Msg$ = Msg$ + "to say. Either there is a mistake in the program" + Chr$(13)
Msg$ = Msg$ + "or some other GPIB problem or error condition exists."
MsgBox Msg$, 0, "Query Error"
End If
End If

If (spr% And 1) Then ' A bit in the Device Dependedent Error
' Register is set
ibwrt device%, "ERR?" ' Query the DDE Register
ibrd device%, Read$ ' Read response
DDE = Val(Read$) ' And get value

If (DDE And 2) Then ' Parameters Lost
Msg$ = "The controller reported that it has lost its" + Chr$(13)
Msg$ = Msg$ + "settings since the last time it was powered on."
MsgBox Msg$, 0, "Parameters Lost"
End If
If (DDE And 4) Then ' Motor Not Moving
Msg$ = "The controller reported that the motor is stuck."
MsgBox Msg$, 0, "Motor Not Moving"
End If
If (DDE And 8) Then ' Motor Not Stopping
Msg$ = "The controller reported that the motor isn't stopping."
MsgBox Msg$, 0, "Motor Not Stopping"
End If
If (DDE And 16) Then ' Moving Wrong Direction
Msg$ = "The controller reported that the motor is moving" + Chr$(13)
Msg$ = Msg$ + "in the wrong direction. This is a hardware error."
MsgBox Msg$, 0, "Moving Wrong Direction"
End If
If (DDE And 32) Then ' Hard Limit Hit
Msg$ = "The controller reported that the device has" + Chr$(13)
Msg$ = Msg$ + "hit a hardware limit. The user must adjust either" + Chr$(13)
Msg$ = Msg$ + "the software limit/position settings or the hardware" + Chr$(13)
Msg$ = Msg$ + "limit switches. A continuous rotation turntable" + Chr$(13)
Msg$ = Msg$ + "should have its hardware limits disabled."
MsgBox Msg$, 0, "Hard Limit Hit"
End If
If (DDE And 64) Then 'Polarization Limit Violation
Msg$ = "The controller reported that an attempt was made" + Chr$(13)
Msg$ = Msg$ + "to change polarization while the tower was outside" + Chr$(13)
Msg$ = Msg$ + "the limit settings for the new polarization. The tower" + Chr$(13)
Msg$ = Msg$ + "did not change polarization. This error can be handled" + Chr$(13)
Msg$ = Msg$ + "without user intervention by a 'smart' program which is" + Chr$(13)
Msg$ = Msg$ + "designed to check current position and limits to insure" + Chr$(13)
Msg$ = Msg$ + "that the tower is within limits before polarization."
MsgBox Msg$, 0, "Polarization Limit Violation"
End If
If (DDE And 128) Then 'Communication Lost
Msg$ = "The controller has lost communication with the motor base." + Chr$(13)
Msg$ = Msg$ + "Check fiber optic cables and power connections."
MsgBox Msg$, 0, "Communication Lost"


© ETS-Lindgren– April, 2006

Revision G– P# 399199