Remote control of the k3 – Elecraft K3 Owner's Manual User Manual

Page 44

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Remote Control of the K3

With appropriate software, any computer with an
RS232 port (or a USB-to-RS232 adapter) can be
used to control the K3. Connections needed for
RS232 communications are covered on pg. 18.

Third-party logging and contesting software is
available for various computers and operating
systems. Most applications written for the K2
should work with the K3, and some provide K3-
specific features.

For a list of K3-compatible software applications,
including configuration requirements, please visit

Remote-Control Commands

The K3 has a rich set of remote-control commands,
including many commands that directly control the
two DSPs. With appropriate software, various
extensions to DSP functionality can be made
available to the operator, including customized
filters, fine control over noise reduction, per-mode
parametric EQ, absolute level metering in dB, and
unique tuning aids.

K3 remote-control commands use ordinary ASCII
text, so they can be easily tested using a terminal
emulator. For example, the command “FA;” returns
the current VFO A frequency. Using the same
command, you can set the VFO A frequency, e.g.
“FA00007040000;” sets the VFO to 7.040 MHz.

Many new commands are provided in addition to
the core set of commands supported by the K2.
Some existing commands have been updated to
directly control the sub receiver (e.g., “AG$;”,
which controls sub AF gain). Please refer to the K3
Programmer’s Reference
for further details.

Front-Panel Switch Macros

You can set up any programmable front-panel
switch (e.g.

P F 1

) to execute sequences of remote-

control commands directly from the K3. This is
useful for automation of sequences such as: enter
split mode, assign VFO A to B, move VFO B up 5,
and turn on diversity receive. Refer to K3 Utility
help or the K3 Programmer’s Reference for
examples. Also see CONFIG:MACRO x.

Remote Power On/Off

A remote-control system can pull the POWER ON
line to ground (ACC connector, pg. 18) to turn the
K3 ON. To turn it OFF, the controller must send
the K3 a “PS0;” remote-control command via the
RS232 interface, wait at least 100 ms, then
deactivate the POWER ON signal. This sequence
ensures that nonvolatile memory is updated
correctly before shut-down.

Automatic Antenna Control

Some antenna control units (e.g., those used with
SteppIR™ antennas) can track the K3’s band and
frequency by watching for “IF;” (rig information)
packets from the transceiver. Some computer
logging/contesting applications set up the K3 to
output these messages periodically, allowing the
antenna control unit to “eavesdrop.”
If you’re not using such software, or if you’re not
using a computer at all, you can still set up the K3
to output “IF;” packets periodically by setting


. The packets are

sent once per second while the VFO frequency is
being changed, as well as on any band change.

If you’re using logging/contesting software,

check with the manufacturer before setting


. Some applications may

not be tolerant of unsolicited “IF;” packets.

CW/DATA Terminal Applications

The K3 directly supports CW/PSK31/RTTY ASCII
text transmit and receive via its RS232 port. Our K3
application includes a simple Terminal
function that lets you try out these modes using
your computer’s keyboard and monitor.

K3 Memory Editor

Frequency memories can be easily viewed and
changed using our K3 Memory Editor software
application. This program shows the contents of all
100 regular memories and optionally the per-band
memories in a spreadsheet format.

You can also QSY directly to a memory from
within the editor program using the provided