Troubleshooting ssh, Telnet – Dell PowerEdge FX2/FX2s User Manual

Page 174

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admin@Unix_client# ls

id_rsa shosts

admin@Unix_client# cat shosts, ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEA8K7jLZRVfjgHJzUOmXxuIbZx/AyW



The following example shows creating rhosts.

admin@Unix_client# ls

id_rsa rhosts shosts

admin@Unix_client# cat rhosts admin

Using Client-Based SSH Authentication

To SSH from the chassis to the SSH client, use the following command.

This method uses SSH version 1 or version 2. If the SSH port is a non-default value, use the ip ssh
server port number command to change the default port number. You may only change the port

number when SSH is disabled. Then use the -p option with the ssh command.

• SSH from the chassis to the SSH client.

ssh ip_address

Example of Client-Based SSH Authentication

Dell#ssh ?

-c Encryption cipher to use (for v2 clients only)

-l User name option

-m HMAC algorithm to use (for v2 clients only)

-p SSH server port option (default 22)

-v SSH protocol version

Troubleshooting SSH

To troubleshoot SSH, use the following information.

You may not bind to RSA authentication while logged in via the console. In this case, this

message displays:%Error: No username set for this term.
Enable host-based authentication on the server (Dell Networking system) and the client (Unix machine).
The following message appears if you attempt to log in via SSH and host-based is disabled on the client.
In this case, verify that host-based authentication is set to “Yes” in the file ssh_config (root permission is
required to edit this file): permission denied (host based).

If the IP address in the RSA key does not match the IP address from which you attempt to log in, the
following message appears. In this case, verify that the name and IP address of the client is contained in
the file /etc/hosts: RSA Authentication Error.


To use Telnet with SSH, first enable SSH, as previously described.

By default, the Telnet daemon is enabled. If you want to disable the Telnet daemon, use the following
command, or disable Telnet in the startup config. To enable or disable the Telnet daemon, use the [no]
ip telnet server enable command.

