Scheduling db backup settings once at a later time – Dell Open Manage Print Manager Software User Manual

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Database Backup

Scheduling DB Backup Settings Once at a Later Time

To schedule backup instantly, perform the following steps:

1 In the navigation panel, click Application Settings

DB Backup.

Figure 19-5. DB Backup Once at a Later Time

2 In the window that appears, type the name.
3 Click the Schedule Task drop-down box and select Once. Two options appear right under the

Schedule Task drop-down box.

4 Select the radio-button against Later.
5 In the Schedule Options section, from the Schedule Backup on box, select the required day.
6 In the Schedule Options section, from the At field, select the schedule time in hours (hrs) and

minutes (mins).

7 In the Schedule Notes field, type the notes for database backup.
8 Click OK.