Reports tab, Site revenue report, Figure 67. site revenue settings – Unitec Sierra Management System User Manual

Page 65: 4 reports tab, 1 site revenue report

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Sierra Programming Reference Manual


4 Reports Tab

The Reports function allows you to view accounting information and product usage, filtered by ranges and
dates you specify. When a report is generated, the associated data will appear on the screen with Print and
Save functions. By selecting the Print button, you can print a copy of the report at your local printer. The
Save function allows the report data to be saved in .CSV format so it can be viewed and/or sorted in
standard 3


party software applications (such as Microsoft Excel).

Revenue Report – Reports revenue at a summary level for a user-defined time period.

Sales Report –Lists items that were sold (e.g. Washes, Added Services, Wash Codes etc.) for a
user-defined time period.

Cash Report – Daily report of cash received and dispensed by the unit.

Transaction History – Listing of transactions recorded at the unit for a user-defined time period.

Code Listing – Listing of wash codes (sold at a C-store POS or Pump) currently stored in memory.

4.1 Site Revenue Report

Revenue reports can be generated for the current business day, previous day or for a user specified date
range. From the report view, the user can print a report copy or save an electronic version in .CSV format.
To view the Site revenue report, perform the following steps:

Figure 67. Site Revenue Settings

Select the day or date range and click Run Report.

An example report is shown below with descriptions of the included data.