Figure 9. mercury credit/gift configuration – Unitec Sierra Management System User Manual
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Sierra Programming Reference Manual
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Figure 9. Mercury Credit/Gift Configuration
The Mercury credit and gift configuration screen allows you to setup credit and gift card processing for the
Unitec entry unit using Mercury Payment Systems.
1. Select Mercury from the drop-down menu. If this is changed at a future date, you will need to
reboot the entry unit or site server.
2. Enter your Merchant ID account number as provided by Mercury Payment Systems.
3. Select the credit card brands that will be accepted.
4. If Mercury Gift Cards will be accepted, check the box next to Mercury then enter your Mercury
Merchant ID. Mercury Gift Cards are only available with Internet credit processing.
NOTE: If you are purchasing the gift card option after the initial purchase of the entry system, you
will need an authorization code to activate the gift card function.