Credit processors and configuration – Unitec Sierra Management System User Manual
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Sierra Programming Reference Manual
3.1.2 Credit Processors and Configuration
Next, you will edit the credit and gift card configuration. Click Edit Credit/Gift Configuration at the bottom
of the Site Configuration screen. Choose one of the following payment processors:
3 . 1 . 2 . 1
P r i o r i t y P a y m e n t S y s t e m s ( P P S )
Figure 8. Priority Payment Systems Credit Configuration
The PPS credit configuration screen allows you to set up credit for the Unitec entry unit using Priority
Payment Systems.
NOTE: Priority Payment Systems requires every merchant to explicitly grant permission to the Sierra server
to post credit card payments to their account. This is a one-time step, which needs to be performed before
any credit card transactions can be processed successfully. Please login into your Priority Payment Systems
user account and create a new merchant ID for this server and generate a new server key/secret pair.
1. Select PPS for the drop-down menu. If this is changed at a future date, you will need to reboot the
entry unit or site server.
2. Enter the Merchant ID, supplied by Priority Payment Systems at account setup.
3. Enter the API Key and API Secret.
4. Select the credit card brands that will be accepted. Check Others if fleet cards are to be supported.
5. Click Save.