Wash and added services products, Figure 17. edit product screen – Unitec Sierra Management System User Manual
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Sierra Programming Reference Manual
NOTE: If changes are made to a product’s displayed name or price, the affected devices will need to be
updated by downloading a device profile as described in the Devices section.
3.2.1 Wash and Added Services Products
Figure 17. Edit Product Screen
Click the Setup tab at the top, then click Product in the left frame. To add a new product, select
Wash, Added Service, Self Service or Account from the drop down menu below the products table
then click the Add New Product button. To customize a default wash or configure an added service,
click the edit button next to the product name.
3. Enter the Product Name. This field is limited to 24 characters and will be the product name, which
is displayed on reports.
4. Enter the wash package/added service price for the Wash Select II/Portal/Sentinel: Enter the price
for the wash package or added service in numbers and decimals only. NOTE: If the price is set to 0,
the wash package will NOT display on the operations screen.
5. SKU – This not used in a standard application and should be left blank
6. Enter the Display Name. This field is limited to 24 characters. This name will be displayed to the
consumer (on the wash selection screens).
NOTE: The Wash Select II will only display the first 10 characters of the wash name.
7. If you have multi-site management and want this product to report to the Site Lynx server, check
Report Sale to Site Lynx.
8. If you wish to use Point of Purchase (POP) discounts on your pump or register interface, enter the
amount of the discount for Level 1 and Level 2.
9. Click Save.