Files, Hot file (washpay only), Figure 115. files screen – Unitec Sierra Management System User Manual

Page 106: Figure 116. hot file screen, 5 files, 6 hot file (washpay only)

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Sierra Programming Reference Manual


8.5 Files

Figure 115. Files Screen

The Files screen allows you to load software update files and post sale video files to the unit. Updates are
provided on a thumbdrive that is to be connected to the USB port on the primary carrier board. With the
thumbdrive installed, click the Load Files button. The thumbdrive should be listed as a source location.
Select it and click Upload.

Note: Video files must be in .wmv format and uploaded to the unit from a thumbdrive with the following
file structure:

For Portal: UEP_Droot >bin>Portal>Video>English>PostSaleVideo.wmv

For Sentinel: UES_Droot >bin>Portal>Video>English>PostSaleVideo.wmv

8.6 Hot File (WashPay Only)

Figure 116. Hot File Screen

Hot files are a record of the credit cards used that were declined or listed as stolen. To view the hot files.
Select the card type, enter the account number, then list a date range. Click View Records.