1 overview, 1 application range, 2 application possibilities – Metrohm 774 Oven Sample Processor User Manual

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1.1 Application range

774 Oven Sample Processor, Instructions for use


1 Overview

1.1 Application range

The Metrohm 774 Oven Sample Processor is a very versatile instrument. It
has been specially designed for laboratory use and can be used for a wide
range of applications. It provides an essential service when large numbers
of samples have to be processed in which the samples require to be
heated and/or whenever it is necessary to remove moisture or organic sol-
vents from solids or liquids by the application of heat.

The construction of the 774 Oven Sample Processor has been principally
based on the determination of moisture by the oven method. The sample
heated in the oven block releases its moisture as water vapor which is
transferred to a measuring cell in a stream of gas. The moisture determina-
tion in the cell can be carried out either coulometrically or volumetrically ac-
cording to Karl Fischer.
This method is becoming increasingly popular wherever moisture determi-
nations have to be carried out in matrices which interfere with the moisture
determination process or which release their moisture only with great diffi-

Its comprehensive range of communications possibilities means that it
cannot just work together with the wide range of Metrohm titrators, meters
and dosing instruments via its parallel remote interface and its serial RS232
interface, but that it can also control or be controlled by any instrument
which is equipped with a suitable communications interface. These abilities
mean that it is predestined for automation tasks in a modern laboratory,
even within highly integrated laboratory data systems.

1.2 Application possibilities

Despite its comprehensive range of commands and numerous configura-
tion possibilities the 774 Oven Sample Processor, with its capability of
managing operator-defined methods, offers an uncomplicated operation
system which is suitable for routine use.
The standard methods for routine tasks which we supply together with the
instrument can be used without any further ado. After a short familiarization
period the operators can alter them to suit their own requirements and store
them in the instrument. In this way the 774 Oven Sample Processor can