Metrohm 774 Oven Sample Processor User Manual
Page 37

3.2 Manual operation
774 Oven Sample Processor, Instructions for use
Set sample position
The SAMPLE function is used to set the current sample position. It defines
the first sample beaker for the following series of samples.
Pump / Valve
The FLOW function is used for switching the pump or inert gas solenoid
valve on and off. is used to select the parameters for this
command from the two possibilities. The first parameter of the command
defines whether the pump (i.e. air as gas flow) or the solenoid valve for
other gases is to be switched on. The current gas flow rate is shown di-
rectly in the display .
FLOW: pump : ON
FLOW: valve : OFF
nothing else has been defined under 'Manual stop options', see page 74.
Oven control
The HEATER function is used for controlling the oven temperature. The first
parameter of the command defines the oven temperature, the second
parameter sets the heating-up time, i.e. the time in which the defined tem-
perature is to be reached. If the defined temperature is lower than the cur-
rent oven temperature then the oven unit will be automatically cooled. The
current oven temperature is always shown in the display.
HEATER:init°C min
(=heat up to initial temperature)
HEATER: 130°C 15 min
(=heat to 130°C within 15 minutes)
Dosing units
The DOS function is used to control the connected dosing instruments.
Both positive and negative volumes can be dosed.
Apart from entering the volume to be dosed, can be used to
select additional functions of the particular dosing instrument:
- Filling the cylinder (fill),
- Change dosing unit initialization (change),
- Prepare the tubing system (prepare),
- Empty the tubing system and the cylinder (empty),
- Eject the cylinder contents (eject),
- Adjust, i.e. remove the play between dosing piston and spindle before
aspiration or filling the cylinder (adjust),
- Compensate for the play between dosing piston and spindle before