Rockwell Automation 1441-DYN25-Z Dynamix 2500 Data Collector User Manual
Page 18

Rockwell Automation Publication 1441-UM001B-EN-P - September 2012
Chapter 1 The Dynamix 2500 Data Collector
Table 4 - Dynamix 2500 Data Collector Key Definitions
The two Enter buttons are on either side of the LCD display. In any screen,
pressing one of the Enter buttons selects the highlighted option, or
progresses through data collection screens.
Either left/right Enter key does the following in different situations:
• Same as using the Apply function key.
• Starts collecting data for the current point or accepts the current
• Accepts changes to parameter selections.
• May be referred also as the Fire, Read, and OK key.
• In many screens the Left arrow will take you back one screen as will F4
(Esc) and the Right arrow will act the same as Enter and go forward.
Function keys
The four function keys used are F1, F2, F3, and F4. The functions change
depending on the current state of the data collector.
The data collector displays the current function of the keys in the data
collector screen. When no text appears above a function key, the key is
inactive in the current window.
Many functions provide an additional row of function keys. By pressing the
shift (0) key, the data collector provides another row of function keys, still
referred to as F1…F4.
For example: When you go to the Setup menu, F1…F4 appear as Help, Cont.
- (less screen contrast), Cont. + (more screen contrast), and Apply. After
pressing the shift (0) key, the functions change to Extn Mngr (Extension
Manager) and Calib (Calibration).
You will notice that if you don’t hold down the shift (0) key for a longer
period of time the first set of functions reappear.
Up arrow
• Moves to the previous field or menu selection.
• Decreases the Y-axis scaling in a signature plot.
Down arrow
• Moves to the next field or menu selection.
• Increases the Y-axis scaling in a signature plot.
Left arrow
• Displays the previous screen of information if there is more than one
screen, for example, selecting a point in the Data Collection screen.
• Closes the menu selection on the Setup and Instrument Configuration
• Moves the signature cursor to the left.
Right arrow
• Displays the next screen of information if there is more than one screen,
for example, selecting a point in the Data Collection screen.
• Opens the menu selection on the Setup and Instrument Configuration
• Moves the signature cursor to the right.
Turns the instrument on and off.
To turn the instrument off, press and hold the On/Off key for one second.
Enter alpha/numeric values.
Decimal (.)
Check the status of the battery, or type a decimal point in a numeric field.
Check the Battery Level on page 23
for more information.
Expand or compress a signature plot on the data collector screen.
Acts as a `shift’ key that has multiple uses depending on the current data
collector operation:
• In a Setup screen numeric input field, the key acts as a zero.
• In all other screens, pressing and holding the key displays alternate
functions for the function keys.