Waters Advanced Purification Glass Columns User Manual

Care and use manual, Waters advanced purification columns, Contents i. introduction

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[ Care and Use ManUal ]

Waters Advanced Purification Columns



I. IntroduCtIon

a. AP Column Accessories

II. usIng the Column

a. Safety and Solvent Considerations
b. Adjusting the Plunger
c. Packing the Column
d. Installing the Column
e. Equilibrating the Column
f. Eliminating Voids

III. Care and maIntenanCe

a. Troubleshooting
b. Replacing Ferrules
c. Disassembling and Reassembling the Inlet Connector
d. Replacing End Fittings
e. Replacing Filters and O-rings
f. Storing the Column

IV. sCalIng up separatIons

a. Scaling a Seperation
b. Adjusting Sample Load and Flow Rate
c. Adjusting Gradient Parameters
d. Adjusting Gradient Delay Volume

V. orderIng InformatIon

VI. mIsCellaneous

waters adVanCed purIfICatIon Columns

I. IntroduCtIon

Waters Advanced Purification (AP) series of glass columns are
constructed of biocompatible glass and polymeric materials and can
be easily used with silica, polymer, or soft gel packings. To optimize
flow and ensure uniform sample distribution onto the packed bed,
each column incorporates a distributor. A replaceable filter protects
the packing from large particulate contaminants. Empty AP glass
columns are available in a variety of sizes and utilize the same
design to ensure predictable methods transfer among them. AP glass
columns are compatible with both analytical and preparative HPLC
and FPLC systems.

Figure 1: Advanced Purification Column

Outlet tubing

Outlet filter

Outlet connector


Glass column

Inlet connector


Inlet tubing

Seal adjustment nut

Inlet filter


Inlet cap

Fine adjustment



adjustment slide