Waters Soft Drink Analysis Kit User Manual
Soft drink analysis kit, Care and use manual

[ Care and Use ManUal ]
Soft Drink Analysis Kit
Cont entS
usIng the Waters soft drInk
analysIs kIt
a. Preparing the standards solution
b. replacing Mobile Phase
c. Instrument settings
orderIng InforMatIon
I. IntroductIon
This instruction sheet describes the Waters
Soft Drink Analysis Kit and
how to use it. The Waters Soft Drink Analysis Kit is made up of two parts:
1. Mobile phase—Four 1-liter bottles containing a pre-mixed solution
of denatured ethanol, buffer, and water. Circulate one liter of mobile
phase through the system for one week, then replace with one liter of
fresh mobile phase.
2. Standards—Four 100 mg vials of aspartame powder, and a 1-liter
bottles of CBS standard containing a solution of denatured ethanol and
water (15/85 v/v) with:
Caffeine 100 mg/L
Benzoic acid 200 mg/L
Sorbic acid 100 mg/L
WarnIng: denatured ethanol is toxic. do not ingest.
Figure 1. Soft Drink Analysis Kit.
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