Ppm cal, Warm up, Performing a wet fresh air adjustment – RKI Instruments Gas Tracer User Manual
Page 220

212 • Calibrating and Bump Testing the PPM Combustible Sensor Gas Tracer Op-
1. Use the AIR▲ or (SHIFT)▼ buttons to display the PPM CAL menu
2. Press and release the POWER ENTER button. The display will
indicate that the ppm sensor is warming up.
3. The recommended calibration sequence for a quarterly calibration
is WET fresh air adjustment, WET span adjustment. The
recommended calibration sequence for a biannual calibration
(every 6 months) is DRY fresh air adjustment, WET fresh air
adjustment, WET span adjustment.
Performing a Wet Fresh Air Adjustment
This section describes how to perform a fresh air adjustment on the
PPM combustible gas sensor using the WET setting. Using the WET
setting and fresh air or a zero air cylinder with a 6 inch humidifier
tube is appropriate for a quarterly calibration.
It is recommended that you perform a fresh air adjust on the
ppm sensor using a zero air cylinder and the DRY setting
once every 6 months to maintain the accuracy of the ppm
combustible gas reading. When performing a DRY fresh air
adjustment, be sure to not use the humidifier tube. See
“Performing a Dry Fresh Air Adjustment” on page 214 for
instructions to perform a dry fresh air adjustment.
1. Once the warm up is complete, you will be in PPM Cal Mode and
AIR CAL will be displayed. You must perform a fresh air adjust
before performing an auto calibration, a single calibration, or a