Calibration, K factor, Menu structure – Det-Tronics UD10 DCU Emulator FlexVu Universal Display Unit User Manual

Page 61

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To initiate calibration of the CGS sensor from the

UD10-DCU Display:

1. Using the magnet to activate the switches on the

UD10-DCU display, navigate to the “Calibrate”


2. Activate “Execute” (Enter/Select) to start calibration.

3. The UD10-DCU will display “Waiting for Zero” on the

main display screen as it performs zero calibration.

4. When zero calibration is complete, the UD10-DCU

will display “Waiting for Gas” on the screen.

5. Apply calibration gas to the sensor.

6. The UD10-DCU will display “Waiting for Span”

on the screen while the span calibration is being


7. When the UD10-DCU shows “Remove Cal Gas”

on the screen, remove the calibration gas from the


8. The UD10-DCU automatically exits the Calibrate

mode and returns to normal operating mode upon

completion of a successful calibration.

Determining Sensor Life Remaining
At the time of calibration, the UD10 logs the sensor

mV signal. This value can be used for determining the

approximate sensor life remaining.

To view all the recorded mV signal values for the sensor,

from the Main Menu, navigate to:

Device Status > Calibration Log > Span.

To view the mV signal from the most recent calibration

only, from the Main Menu, navigate to:

Device Status > Device Info > Response.

A typical new sensor reads between 45 and 55 mV.

• At 21-55 mV, "Cal OK" is recorded in the Cal Log,

along with the Span value.

• At 15-20 mV, "Cal OK" is recorded in the Cal Log,

along with the Span value. In addition, "Weak Sensor"

is shown on the UD10 display for about 20 seconds.

After 20 seconds, the "Weak Sensor" message is no

longer seen, but a "Weak Sensor" status is recorded

(Device Status > Fault/Status > Status).

• At 14 mV or less, "Weak Sensor" is shown on the

UD10 display for about 20 seconds, then a Cal Fault

is shown. The Cal Log shows "Cal Fail" with a Span

value of 0.00 mV.

K fActor

If the system will be detecting a gas/vapor other than the

gas used in the actual calibration process, a conversion

K-Factor must be used. The K-Factor can be entered

prior to calibration by navigating to the “Device Option”


Main Menu
Process Vars
Display Status
Device Status
Display Setup
Device Setup
Device Cal
Display Test

Device Setup

Device Option

Device Option

Gas Name

The UD10-DCU communicates the K-Factor to the

CGS Interface Board during the calibration process,

where the proper correction is made to ensure accurate


The actual effect of the K-Factor can be observed

as the span portion of the calibration is completed.

For example, suppose a K-Factor of 0.865 has been

programmed. When calibration is performed, the

UD10-DCU will display 50% as span is accepted. It

will then apply the K-Factor, and the displayed value will

change to 43.3% LFL.

For additional information regarding K-Factors,

including a list of K-Factors for many common gases,

refer to Technical Bulletin number 76-1017.

menu structure

UD10-DCU with CgS Series Sensor
Refer to the following menu when using the UD10-DCU’s

LCD display and internal magnetic switches.

menu HeLp

Status menus only allow the user to view the data.
The Setup menus allow the user to both view and
edit the data.

Main Menu
Process Vars
Display Status
Device Status
Display Setup
Device Setup
Device Cal
Display Test

Device Cal

Cal Gas
Cal Gas Conc
K Factor

