Det-Tronics UD10 DCU Emulator FlexVu Universal Display Unit User Manual
Page 15

Time and date for the UD10-DCU is automatically set
by the EQP controller via the LON network. Changes
to the time on the S3 computer will be reflected at the
UD10-DCU when the controller RTC is set.
When used with the GT3000, the RTC for the GT3000
can be synchronized to the RTC of the display by going
through the Main Menu->Device Setup->RTC->“Sync
If the detector connected to the UD10-DCU is HART
enabled, its 4-20 mA output signal can be trimmed.
(A detector calibration should be performed prior to
trimming the detector output or UD10-DCU input).
haRT Detector Signal Calibration
Navigate down the menu to Device Test > D/A (Digital
to Analog) Trim.
Main Menu
Process Vars
Display Status
Device Status
Display Setup
Device Setup
Device Cal
Display Test
Device Test
Device Test
Self Test
Response Test
Loop Test
D/A Trim
D/A Trim
Zero Trim
Gain Trim
Select Zero Trim. When this screen is entered, a
warning message is presented. Select ENTER to
continue. When the message “Connect Reference
Meter” is presented, install the current meter on the
mA line between the detector and UD10-DCU. Select
ENTER to continue. When the message “Set Input
Current to 4mA?” is presented, select ENTER to begin
the Zero Trim function. The detector will now set its 4
mA output value. If the value indicated on the current
meter is not 4.00 mA, enter the measured value into the
UD10-DCU using the Previous and Next switches. The
UD10-DCU calculates and corrects for the difference
between the actual and entered values. When the
current meter value is at the desired 4.00 mA, select
ENTER to accept the new zero trim value.
Select Gain Trim. Follow the same procedure for gain/
span calibration.
UD10-DCU Input Trim
When the UD10-DCU is used with a detector that
supports HART communication, an automated process
can be used to trim the UD10-DCU input. Navigate
down the menu to “Input Loop Cal”.
Main Menu
Process Vars
Display Status
Device Status
Display Setup
Device Setup
Device Cal
Display Test
Device Test
Display Setup
Mode Select
General Options
Input Loop Cal
Contrast Contrl
Backlight Ctrl
Write Protect
Upon entering Input Loop Cal, the UD10-DCU
commands the detector to output 4 mA, and then
automatically calibrates its own input. The UD10-DCU
then commands the detector to output 20 mA and
subsequently calibrates its own input.
If a non-HART detector is being used, the Input Loop
Cal may be performed with a mA current source or
loop calibrator connected to the UD10-DCU Sensor
Connector. Follow the loop calibration instructions
shown by the UD10-DCU for this procedure.