Apple MainStage 2 User Manual

Page 96

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To see all of the channel strips, you may need to resize the Channel Strips area.

At the concert level, the
Channel Strips area
shows the Output and
Master channel strips,
auxes, and other
concert-level channel

To control the overall volume level of a concert


Drag either the Output 1-2 volume fader or the Master volume fader.

You can map a screen control to a channel strip parameter or an action at the concert
level. For example, you can map the Output 1-2 Volume fader to a fader screen control
and use the hardware control assigned to that screen control to adjust the overall volume
of the concert.

To map a screen control at the concert level


Make sure the concert icon is selected in the Patch List.


Click the screen control you want to map.

The Parameter Mapping browser appears below the workspace.


In the Parameter Mapping browser, click the parameter to which you want to map the
screen control.


Chapter 6

Working with Concerts