Processing and printing from the creo server, File processing – Konica Minolta bizhub PRESS 2250P User Manual
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Processing and printing
from the Creo server
File processing
The IC-312m print controller features the Adobe PDF Print Engine
(APPE) RIP as a complementary workflow to the Configurable
PostScript Interpreter (CPSI) RIP, enabling you to use the RIP that
is appropriate for each job. The APPE RIP is particularly useful for
PDF files that need transparencies and overprint handling. APPE
RIP information is added to the job history and workspace.
By rendering PDF content natively, at its highest level of
abstraction, and by relying on JDF to capture job ticket and
process control information, the print workflows powered by the
APPE enable designers and print production professionals to keep
PDF content device-independent throughout the workflow.
The main benefit of the APPE RIP is that complex designs and
effects, including transparencies, can be reproduced reliably for
PDF files. Designers and printers can make late-stage edits in PDF
files more easily and configure PDF jobs for printing on different
types of output devices and presses.
The APPE RIP applies to PDF files only, all other files are
rendered with the CPSI RIP. PDF files can also be rendered with
One of the advantages of using a PDF workflow is that you can
work with embedded ICC profiles. The IC-312m print controller
includes APPE RIP support for both CMYK and RGB embedded
ICC profiles.
The IC-312m print controller is compatible with PDF/X-1a, PDF/
X-3, PDF/X-4, and, PDFX5G. PDF/X files are a subset of PDF files
whose standard provides for the exchange of final print-ready
pages. Using PDF/X-compliant files eliminates the most common
errors in file preparation (for example, fonts that are not embedded,
incorrect color spaces, missing images, and overprinting or
trapping problems).
See also:
Services tab in the job parameters window
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