Registering the variables of each device – tags – NOVUS superview User Manual
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The device registered with the address 1 must be a Novus device, and its electronic serial number must be
the one listed in the SuperView Use License purchased from Novus. This condition is necessary when
SuperView is used in the Full Registered mode. See chapter “REGISTERING THE SUPERVIEW COPY”
for more information on SuperView registering and licensing.
The basic element of information to the displayed on SuperView screens is the TAG. A TAG identifies numeric
information and can be one of the following types:
Physical Tag:
Identifies a variable associated to a Modbus register in a NOVUS network device. This tag value
represents, for example, the current temperature reading of a controller or the required pressure
(set point) in another one. Only 16-bit value can be associated to a physical tag (values ranging
from -32768 to 32767 or from 0 to 65535).
Constant Tag:
Identifies a variable in the computer memory, not associated to a device in the network. Typically
used to perform more advanced functions.
Date/Time Tag:
Identifies a variable that contains information about date or time, as indicated by the computer
internal clock. Used when you want the current date and time to be displayed on the SuperView
Timer Tag:
Identifies a variable that counts time in hours, minutes and seconds. Used when you want to
indicate how long the SuperView application is running for. A Timer Tag can be controlled by
writing operations using buttons or alarm groups. To pause or resume the count after a pause:
write -1 to the Tag. To reset the count: write 0 (zero) to the Tag.
Collect Tag:
Identifies a variable associated to the data memory content of a NOVUS data logger, Field Logger
model. Used when there are historic data stored in this logger that must be transferred to a
SuperView historic file.
Custom Tag:
Identifies a variable associated to a Modbus register in a networked device (like the Physical Tag,
but the device can be from other vendors). The configuration of the Custom Tag requires
parameterization of the Modbus command to be used to read from and write to the device. Only
Custom devices can use a Custom Tag type. See “Configuring the Communication With Devices
From Other Vendors” for additional information on communication with Custom devices.
Object Tag:
The Object Tag is automatically created when the user creates a history, task or formula. Upon
creating a history, a Tag is created for it with the identification [HST]. Upon creating a task, a Tag
is created for it with the identification [TSK], and upon creating a formula a Tag is created for it
with the identification [FOR]. If desired, the user can create an Object Tag for remote access. For
this purpose, the Object Tag shall be created through the Tags creation window.
Reading and writing operations in a physical or custom tag are associated to reading or writing operations through the
Modbus or TCP/IP communication network. When configuring a simple application, the Physical tag is of greater interest.
To register the physical tags that shall be read by the network devices, proceed as indicated below:
Double click the icon TAGS in the CONFIGURE window. The TAG CONFIGURATION window will be displayed.
Click the NEW button and the TAG PROPERTIES window will be displayed. Examples of these two windows are
shown below.
In the TYPE drop-down menu, select PHYSICAL TAG.
In the field ORIGIN, select LOCAL to read the tag from a RTU Modbus network.
In the field NAME assign the tag a unique name, which will identify it in all further set up steps of this SuperView
Filling the field DESCRIPTION is optional, and this information is displayed only here.
In the DEVICE drop-down menu, select the registered device this tag belongs to.