NOVUS TxMiniBlock User Manual

TxMiniBlock is a 4-20 mA 2-WIRE Pt100 temperature transmitter to be
assembled in heads. The desired temperature measurement range as well
as other transmitter features can be easily configured through the TxConfig
software and the TxConfig-USB interface.
The output current has a linear behavior relative to the temperature
measured by the sensor.
Sensor input: Pt100.
Maximum Range: -200 to 650 ºC
Minimum Span: 40 ºC
3-wires, Excitation of 0.20 mA, α= 0.00385, according
NBR 13773.
To use 2-wires Pt100, connect together terminals 2 and
Total accuracy (Tamb 25 ºC): Maximum error 0.2 % of the maximum range
for Pt100;
Response time: < 100 ms
Output: Current of 4-20 mA or 20-4 mA, 2-wires; linear relative to the
temperature measured by the sensor.
Output resolution: 0.004 mA (12 bit)
Power supply: 12 to 35 Vdc across the transmitter
Maximum load (RL): RL (max.) = (Vdc – 12) / 0.02 [Ω]
Where: Vdc= Power supply voltage (12 to 35 Vdc)
Operating temperature: -40 to 50 °C
Humidity: 0 to 90 % RH
Calibration thermal drift: ± 40 ppm / °C full range
Electromagnetic compatibility: EN 50081-2, EN 50082-2
No electrical isolation between the sensor and the 4-20 mA loop.
Internal protection against supply voltage polarity inversion.
Housing in ABS, 34 mm diameter and maximum height of 18 mm.
If the Pt100 sensor is already configured, no intervention is necessary;
installation can be immediately performed. When a configuration change is
required, it can be made with the TxConfig software; it is then sent to the
transmitter using the TxConfig Interface.
The TxConfig interface has a complex electronic circuit.
Do not use any other interface or cable connection to
USB; the product will be damaged and this damage is not
covered under warranty.
TxConfig interface and software are comprised in the Transmitter Setup Kit
that can be purchased from the manufacturer or from authorized dealers. The
software can be upgraded for free at the manufacturer’s website. To install, run
Tx_setup.exe and follow the instructions.
The interface connects the transmitter to the computer, as show in Figure 01.
Figure 01 – TxConfig USB Interface connections
During setup, the transmitter must be powered electrically. The TxConfig
interface itself supplies the power, but this depends on the computer used.
Another way is to run the setup with the transmitter connected to this
process, using the energy from the same source that feeds this process
(loop). See Figure 02.
Figure 02 – TxConfig Interface connections – Loop powered
After the connections are made, the user must run the TxConfig software
and, if necessary, use the Help topic to configure the transmitter.
Figure 03 shows the main screen of the TxConfig software.
Figure 03 – Main screen of the TxConfig software
The fields in this screen have the following purposes:
1. Input Sensor: Pt100 (0.00385).
2. Measurement Range: Defines the transmitter measurement range.
Lower range limit corresponds to the desired temperature for a current of
4 mA.
Upper range limit corresponds to the desired temperature for a current of
20 mA.
When the Lower Limit is set with a value higher than the Upper Limit value, the
output current operates between 20 and 4 mA.
The chosen values cannot exceed the Sensor Range shown in this field
and cannot establish a band with width (span) lower than the Minimum
Range value indicated below in this field. See table below.
Type of Sensor
Measurement Range
Measurement Range
-200 a 650 °C
40 °C
Table 01 – Transmitter input sensor