Red Lion MDC User Manual
Page 20

PPR LD (Pulses Per Revolution- Lead)
Enter the number of pulses per revolution generated by the lead transducer.
If an artificial frequency source is used, set PPR LD to 60. This SETS 1 RPM
= 1 Hz. Max RPM Lead can then be entered in Hz. The value for PPR LD
ranges from 1 to 59999.
MAX RPM LD (Maximum RPM- Lead)
This variable sets the unity ratio. Enter the desired RPM for the lead input
transducer which would cause the follower motor (or shaft) to operate at
MAX RPM FB when a ratio setpoint of 1.0000 is entered. The value for Max
RPM LD does not need to be an actual operating maximum for the lead motor.
It only sets the Unity Ratio.
Follower Speed (RPM) = Ratio Setpoint x Unity Ratio x Lead Speed (RPM)
Unity Ratio = MAX RPM FB
This allows the user to define a 1:1 setpoint ratio which is different than the
1:1 speed ratio of the motors. The value entered for MAX RPM LD ranges
from 1 to 59999.
1. The maximum input frequency for Follower Mode is 12 kHz (lead and
2. For optimum performance, choose the Motor Drive System with the highest
frequency signal output as the master or lead system in a Follower Mode
For example, in a Master/Follower application where two motors are driving
conveyors which are feeding product into a hopper, conveyor A must run 2X
faster than conveyor B to get a product mix of 1:1. The maximum speed for both
motors is 1750 RPM. We will use motor B for the Follower since it runs slower
than motor A. The max RPM feedback is set to 1750 (the max motor speed for
conveyor B). Set the unity ratio so that a ratio setpoint of 1.0000 can be used to
indicate a 1:1 ratio for the product mix, not the speed ratio of the motors. Since
the lead motor (A) must run at a speed 2X the follower motor (B), set the max
RPM Lead at a value 2X the follower motor max (3500 RPM). This will
produce a follower speed 1/2 the lead speed when a 1.0000 ratio setpoint is
selected. The value for max RPM Lead does not have to be an actual operating
speed for the lead motor, this value simply sets the unity ratio.
MAX RPM FB = 1750
MAX RPM LD = 3500
Unity Ratio = MAX RPM FB = 1750 = 0.5
Using a Ratio Setpoint of 1.0000 and a Lead speed of 1750.
Follower speed = Ratio Stpt. x Unity Ratio x Lead speed (RPM)
Follower speed = 1 x 0.5 x 1750
Follower speed = 875
As you can see, the follower speed is half the lead speed when using a 1.0000
Ratio Setpoint. It is a good practice to set the Unity Ratio so a Ratio Setpoint of
1.0000 can be used as the normal operating setpoint. This will allow the operator
to adjust the Ratio Setpoint in user units of product mix, not motor speeds.