Red Lion MDC User Manual
Page 16
Speed Setpoint 1 (S
Speed Setpoint 1 is one of two user selectable speeds used in “RUN” mode.
The speed value is entered in display units (user units) as defined in the
Program Scaling Menu. The value ranges from 0 to 99999, provided the
Display Unit Maximum set in Program Scaling is 99999. Otherwise, the speed
value is limited to the Display Unit Maximum. If a value greater than or equal to
the Display Unit Maximum is entered, the message “MAX RPM LIMIT”
flashes on the display and the maximum speed is automatically entered.
Speed Setpoint 2 (S
Speed Setpoint 2 is the second user selectable speed used in “RUN” mode.
A User Input must be configured to allow selection of Setpoint 1 or 2 for use
as the current speed setpoint. If no User Input is configured for setpoint
selection (SPT SEL), the factory default setting is Speed Setpoint 1 (see
Program User Menu for details).
Ramp Rate 1 (RAMP 1)
Ramp Rate 1 is used for acceleration and deceleration between “RUN” and
“STOP” modes or between speed setpoints. The ramp rate value is entered in
display units/second. For example, if the Display Units are RPM, then the
ramp rate is RPM/SEC. The value ranges from 1 to 99999, provided that it is
not greater than or equal to the internal limit of 20,000 feedback pulses per
second. If this occurs, the message “MAX RAMP RATE” flashes on the
display and the maximum ramp rate is automatically entered. A “0” value
may be entered, which automatically selects the maximum ramp rate.
Ramp Rate 2 (RAMP 2)
Ramp Rate 2 is the second user selectable ramp rate. A User Input must be
configured to allow selection of RAMP 1 or 2 for use as the current ramp rate.
If no User Input is configured for ramp selection (RAMP SEL), the factory
default setting is RAMP 1 (see Program User Menu for details).
Jog Speed (JOG SPD)
The Jog Speed setpoint is used in JOG mode (See JOG under Dedicated
Control Input Functions for details). The value entered is in display units with
the same range and limitations as Speed Setpoint 1.
Jog Ramp Rate (JOG RAMP)
The Jog Ramp Rate applies when entering JOG mode and accelerating to
the Jog Speed. The value entered is in display units/sec. with the same range
and limitations as Ramp Rate 1.
Alarm 1 (AL-1)
The Alarm 1 value is entered in display units. This value affects the Alarm
1 output. The alarm type is programmable and may be: High Speed, Low
Speed, Deviation, or Zero Speed. A Zero Speed alarm has no Value Edit
Menu. The value range for an alarm setpoint may be 0 to 99999, provided that
it is not greater than the internal equivalent of 20971 feedback pulses per
second. If this occurs, the message “SCALING LIMIT” is flashed on the
display and the maximum value is automatically entered.
Alarm 2 (AL-2)
The Alarm 2 value affects the Alarm 2 output. It is programmable and has
the same range and limitations as Alarm 1.
Error Gain (GAIN)
The Error Gain affects the closed loop response to a deviation from the
speed setpoint. It has a value range of 0 to 99. A “0” entry eliminates
correction for speed error. A “99” entry provides maximum correction for
speed error and is the factory default setting. If instability or oscillation in
motor speed occurs, this value should be reduced.