Red Lion MDC User Manual

Page 17

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The setpoints listed below are independent FOLLOWER mode setpoints.

They are retained separately from the MASTER mode setpoints in

non-volatile memory. Jog, Alarm, and Gain values are shared parameters

used by both MASTER and FOLLOWER modes.

Ratio Setpoint 1 (S



Ratio Setpoint 1 is one of two user selectable ratio setpoints used in “RUN”

mode. The ratio value entered sets the follower motor’s speed as a ratio to the

lead signal input. The range is 0.0000 to 1.9999.

Follower Speed (RPM) = Ratio Setpoint x Unity Ratio x Lead Speed (RPM)

A ratio setpoint of 1.0000 implies that the follower motor will run at the

same speed as the lead motor if the Unity Ratio is 1.0. The unity ratio is

determined by the values entered for MAX RPM FB and MAX RPM LD in the

Program Scaling Menu.

Ratio Setpoint 2 (S



Ratio Setpoint 2 is the second user selectable Ratio setpoint. A User Input

must be configured to allow selection of Setpoint 1 or 2 for use as the current

Ratio setpoint. If no User Input is configured for setpoint selection (SPT

SEL), the factory default setting is Setpoint 1. (See Program User Menu).

Ramp Rate 1 (RAMP 1)

Ramp Rate 1 is one of two user selectable ramp rates used for acceleration

and deceleration between “RUN” and “STOP” modes or between ratio

setpoints. The ramp rate value is entered in ratio units/second. The value

ranges from 0.0001 to 1.9999 ratio units/sec. A value of 0.0000 may be

entered to select the maximum ramp rate of 1.9999. This causes the message

“MAX RAMP RATE” to be flashed on the display and the maximum ramp

rate of 1.9999 to be automatically entered.

Ramp Rate 2 (RAMP 2)

Ramp Rate 2 is the second user selectable ramp rate. A User Input must be

configured to allow selection of RAMP 1 or 2 for use as the current ramp rate.

If no User Input is configured for ramp selection (RAMP SEL), the factory

default setting is RAMP 1 (see Program User Menu).
