Save, Authority, Syntax – HP MPX200 Multifunction Router User Manual

Page 40: Keywords, Examples

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Are you sure you want to reset the mappings in the system (y/n): y

Please reboot the System for the settings to take affect.


Saves logs, traces, and port statistics.


Admin session


save {capture | logs | traces | portstats [fc | gige]}



creates a debug file that captures all debug dump data. After the command completes,

you must FTP the debug capture file from the blade.


creates a tar file that contains the router’s log data, storing the file in the router’s /var/ftp

directory. After the command completes, you must FTP the log’s tar file from the blade.


creates a tar file that contains the router’s dump data, storing the tar file in the router’s


directory. After the command completes, you must FTP the trace’s tar file from the blade.

After executing this command, the system notifies you if the router does not have any dump data.
Each time it generates dump data, the system adds an event log entry.


saves the Fibre Channel or GbE port statistics in a CSV file format in the /var/ftp

directory. After the command is complete, you must FTP the file from the blade.


MPX200 <1> (admin) #> save capture

Debug capture completed. Package is System_Capture.tar.gz
Please use FTP to extract the file out from the System.

The following example shows the save logs command:

MPX200 <1> (admin) #> save logs

Save Event Logs completed. Package is Router_Evl.tar.gz
Please use FTP to extract the file out from the System.

The following example shows the save traces command:

MPX200 <1> (admin) #> save traces

Save ASIC Traces completed. Package is Router_Asic_Trace.tar.gz
Please use FTP to extract the file out from the System.

The following examples show the save portstats command for both a Fibre Channel and a
GbE port:

MPX200 <1> (admin) #> save portstats fc 1

Fc Port 1 statistics are successfully stored at /var/ftp/fcMonStats1.csv
Please FTP to get the statistics file.

MPX200 <1> (admin) #> save portstats gige 1

Gige Port 1 statistics are successfully stored at /var/ftp/gigeMonStats1.csv
Please FTP to get the statistics file.


Command reference