A simple network management protocol, Snmp parameters, Snmp trap configuration – HP MPX200 Multifunction Router User Manual

Page 104: Management information base

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A Simple Network Management Protocol

SNMP provides monitoring and trap functions for managing the router through third-party
applications that support SNMP. The router firmware supports SNMP versions 1 and 2, and an
MIB (see

“Management Information Base” (page 104)

). You may format traps using SNMP version

1 or 2.

SNMP parameters

You can set the SNMP properties using SANsurfer Router Manager or the CLI.

Table 7 (page 104)

describes the SNMP parameters.

Table 7 SNMP parameters



A password that authorizes an SNMP management server to read information from the
router. This is a write-only field. The value on the router and the SNMP management server

Read community

must be the same. The read community password can be up to 32 characters, excluding
the number sign (#), semicolon (;), and comma (,). The default password is private.

A password that authorizes an SNMP management server to receive traps. This is a
write-only field. The value on the router and the SNMP management server must be the

Trap community

same. The trap community password can be up to 32 characters, excluding the number
sign (#), semicolon (;), and comma (,). The default password is private.

Specifies the name of the router location. The name can be up to 64 characters, excluding
the number sign (#), semicolon (;), and comma (,). The default is undefined.

System location

Specifies the name of the person to be contacted to respond to trap events. The name can
be up to 64 characters, excluding the number sign (#), semicolon (;), and comma (,). The
default is undefined.

System contact

Enables or disables the generation of authentication traps in response to authentication
failures. The default is disabled.

Authentication traps

SNMP trap configuration

SNMP trap configuration lets you set up to eight trap destinations. Choose from Trap 1 through
Trap 8 to configure each trap.

Table 8 (page 104)

describes the parameters for configuring an

SNMP trap.

Table 8 SNMP trap configuration parameters



Enables or disables trap n. If disabled, the trap is not configured.

Trap n enabled

Specifies the IP address to which the SNMP traps are sent. A maximum of eight trap
addresses are supported. The default address for traps is

Trap address


Port number on which the trap is sent. The default is 162. If the trap destination is not
enabled, this value is 0 (zero). Most SNMP managers and management software listen
on this port for SNMP traps.

Trap port


Specifies the SNMP version (1 or 2) with which to format traps.

Trap version


Trap address (other than and trap port combinations must be unique. For example, if trap 1 and trap 2 have
the same address, they must have different port values. Similarly, if trap 1 and trap 2 have the same port value, they
must have different addresses.

Management Information Base

This section describes the tables included in the MIB.

104 Simple Network Management Protocol