HP StorageWorks Enterprise File Services WAN Accelerator User Manual
User’s guide
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Contents
- Introduction
- Chapter 1 Overview of the HP EFS WAN Accelerator Manager
- Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring the HP EFS WAN Accelerator Manager
- In This Chapter
- Checking Your Inventory
- Preparing Your Site for Installation
- Completing the Configuration Checklist
- Mounting the EFS WAN Accelerator Manager Appliance to a Rack
- HP EFS WAN Accelerator Manager Appliance Hardware
- NIC Port LabelingTerminology Note
- Powering On the HP EFS WAN Accelerator Manager
- Connecting to the HP EFS WAN Accelerator Manager
- Completing the Initial Configuration
- Connecting the HP EFS WAN Accelerator Manager to Your Network
- Verifying Your Connections
- Logging in to the HP EFS WAN Accelerator Manager
- The HP EFS WAN Accelerator Manager Home: Welcome Page
- Navigating in the HP EFS WAN Accelerator Manager
- Chapter 3 Setting Up Remote HP EFS WAN Accelerators
- In This Chapter
- Using Profiles
- Using Groups
- Configuring Remote Appliances
- Chapter 4 Managing Remote HP EFS WAN Accelerators
- Chapter 5 Managing HP EFS WAN Accelerator Manager Settings
- In This Chapter
- Setting Network Parameters
- Configuring Event Notification
- Setting HP EFS WAN Accelerator Manager Logging Options
- Setting the HP EFS WAN Accelerator Manager Date and Time
- Managing Accounts on the HP EFS WAN Accelerator Manager
- Updating HP EFS WAN Accelerator Manager Licenses
- Upgrading or Reverting Software Versions
- Displaying Job Status
- Modifying Web Preferences
- Managing HP EFS WAN Accelerator Manager Configurations
- Rebooting the HP EFS WAN Accelerator Manager
- Shutting Down the HP EFS WAN Accelerator Manager
- Chapter 6 Displaying and Customizing HP EFS WAN Accelerator Manager Reports
- In This Chapter
- Displaying Remote Appliances Reports and Logs
- What this Report Tells You
- What This Report Tells You
- What This Report Tells You
- What This Report Tells You
- What This Report Tells You
- Displaying HP EFS WAN Accelerator Manager Reports and Logs
- Appendix A HP EFS WAN Accelerator Manager Command-Line Interface
- In This Appendix
- Using the Command-Line Interface
- CLI Option Commands
- cli clear-history
- cli default paging enable
- cli session
- show cli
- show terminal
- Enable Configuration Mode and Persistence Commands
- configure terminal
- disable
- enable
- exit
- Secure Shell Server Commands
- ssh server enable
- show ssh server
- ssh client generate identity user
- ssh client user authorized-key rsakey sshv2
- ssh server listen enable
- ssh server listen interface
- User Accounts Commands
- username nopassword
- username password
- username password 0
- username password 7
- NTP, Clock, and Time Zone Commands
- clock set
- clock timezone
- ntpdate
- ntp disable
- ntp enable
- ntp peer
- ntp server
- show clock
- show ntp
- Network Interface Commands
- interface
- interface duplex
- interface speed
- interface dhcp
- interface shutdown
- show interface
- Name Resolution Commands
- hostname
- ip name-server
- ip domain-list
- ip host
- show hosts
- Routing Commands
- ip default-gateway
- ip route
- show ip
- ARP Commands
- arp
- clear arp-cache
- show arp
- Statistics Commands
- stats clear-all
- stats sample
- stats chd
- stats alarm
- show stats
- Event Logging Configuration and Viewing Commands
- logging
- logging files delete
- logging files rotation force
- logging local
- logging trap
- show logging
- show log
- Event Notification Commands
- email domain
- email mailhub
- email notify events enable
- email notify events recipient
- email notify failures enable
- email notify failures recipient
- email send-test
- show email
- SNMP Commands
- show snmp
- snmp-server community
- snmp-server contact
- snmp-server enable
- snmp-server host
- snmp-server location
- Radius and TACACS+ Commands
- aaa authentication login default
- aaa authorization map default-user
- aaa authorization map order
- radius-server host
- radius-server key
- radius-server retransmit
- radius-server timeout
- show radius
- show tacacs
- tacacs-server host
- tacacs-server key
- tacacs-server retransmit
- tacacs-server timeout
- Configuration File Management Commands
- configuration copy
- configuration delete
- configuration factory
- configuration fetch
- configuration jump-start
- configuration merge
- configuration move
- configuration new
- configuration revert saved
- configuration switch-to
- configuration write
- write memory
- write terminal
- show configuration
- show configuration files
- show configuration full
- show configuration running
- License Key Commands
- license delete
- license install
- show licenses
- Image Management Commands
- image boot
- image delete
- image fetch
- image install
- image move
- show bootvar
- show images
- show version history
- Web Commands
- web auto-logout
- web enable
- web http enable
- web http port
- web https enable
- web https port
- web session renewal
- web session timeout
- Diagnostic Commands
- ping
- reload
- slogin
- tcpdump
- telnet
- traceroute
- TCP Dump Capture Commands
- file tcpdump
- show files tcpdump
- Hardware Commands
- hardware ecc-mem-check enable
- reset factory reload
- show hardware
- Appendix B HP EFS WAN Accelerator Manager Specifications
- Appendix C HP System Ports
- Glossary
- Bandwidth
- Bit
- Blade
- Database Cursor
- Default gateway
- Domain
- Ethernet
- Filer
- Gateway
- Gigabit Ethernet
- Hashing
- Heartbeat
- Heuristic
- Host
- Host address
- Host name
- Interface
- Internet
- IP
- IP address
- IPsec
- Latency
- Layer-4
- Microsoft Exchange
- Netmask
- Neural Network
- Packet
- Probe
- Policy
- Port
- Router
- Switch
- Index