Help menu commands, Help-volume display (hp-ux shown) – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

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parameter set. If you make changes and do not click Save, the FCU will discard your changes
when you select Load or Exit.

Delete. This command deletes the currently loaded parameter set from the FCU parameter definition
file. If the FCU parameter definition file does not yet exist or does not contain the parameter set
on screen, the FCU ignores this command.

Exit. This command closes the current FCU parameter definition file (unsaved changes are dis-
carded), and then closes the FCU program.

Help Menu Commands

The Help menu provides access to the following FCU functions.


When installing Data Exchange Code Converter, the Edit_prm menu is displayed, and the parameters
for Data Exchange Code Converter can be displayed.

Volume. This command displays the contents of the Data Exchange volume definition file, so that
you can verify that the Data Exchange volumes are properly defined.

MF-File. This command displays the dataset information for each dataset in the specified mainframe
(MF) volume. The VSN must be entered in the Input File field (for FXmto) or Output File field (for
FXotm) on the FCU main panel.
• Dataset name: An asterisk (*) before the dataset name indicates that Data Exchange can

process the dataset. A dash (-) indicates that Data Exchange cannot process the dataset. A
question mark (?) indicates that FCU can process the dataset only if the VSE record option is
used to specify the RF, RL, and BL.

• Dataset organization (DO) type: SAM, DAM, PAM, VSAM, ??? = unknown.
• Record format (RF): F = fixed length, V = variable length, U = undefined length, S = spanned

record, ? = unknown.

• Block length (BL): in bytes
• Record length (RL): in bytes
• Dataset size (DS): in tracks

UX-File. This command displays the UNIX (UX) files in the directory specified in the Input File or
Output File field on the FCU main panel. If no directory is specified in the Input File or Output File
field, FCU displays the files in the current directory. If a nonexistent directory is specified, FCU
will return an error.

Error. This command opens the error information panel, which displays the FAL, FCU, and system
error codes/messages.

OnVersion. This command displays the FCU version and copyright information screen.





















Figure 42 Help-Volume Display (HP-UX Shown)


HP StorageWorks P9000 Data Exchange User Guide