Performing file transfer operations (unix), Fcu version and copyright screen (unix) – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
Page 107

If you specified the -nc option, FCU processes all specified operations, overwrites existing mto
target files, terminates, and displays any error information at the UNIX prompt.
Figure 66 FCU Version and Copyright Screen (UNIX)
Performing File Transfer Operations (UNIX)
To perform file transfer operations using the FCU GUI for UNIX:
If you will be performing FXmto operations:
Make sure that the source datasets are located on the desired Data Exchange volumes. If
you will not be using an existing FCU parameter definition file, write down the VSN:dataset
of the source dataset and the complete path and file name of the target file for each FXmto
Verify that the FXmto target files do not already exist (or can be overwritten).
Vary the FXmto volumes and channel paths offline from the mainframe host.
If you will be performing FXotm operations:
Make sure that the source files are located on the desired Data Exchange volumes. If you
will not be using an existing FCU parameter definition file, write down the complete path
and file name of the source file and the VSN: dataset of the target dataset for each FXotm
Create and allocate the target datasets. This ensures that the target dataset is registered in
the VTOC. Make sure to allocate enough space and to use the appropriate record format
and record length for the data to be transferred.
Vary the FXotm volumes and channel paths offline from the mainframe host.
If you will be performing FXoto operations:
If you will not be using an existing FCU parameter definition file, write down the complete
path and file name of the source and target files for each FXotm/mto operation.
Allocate the intermediate datasets on the FXoto volumes. Use the ALC utility on OPEN-x FMT
volumes. Make sure to allocate enough space and to use the appropriate record format and
record length for the data to be transferred.
Verify that the FXoto target files do not already exist (or can be overwritten).
Make sure that the desired Data Exchange volume definition file (FXoto only, or FXmto and FXotm)
is available for use by FCU (datasetmount.dat in current directory).
HP StorageWorks P9000 Data Exchange User Guide