HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
Page 68

Write Avail-
able Data Per
Track (Bytes)
Block Length
by Allocater =
(A) (Bytes)
Write Avail-
able Data Per
Track (Bytes)
Block Length
by Allocater =
(A) (Bytes)
Write Avail-
able Data per
Track (Bytes)
Block Length
by Allocater =
(A) (Bytes)
(A) × 48
437 - 468
(A) × 26
1269 - 1332
(A) × 5
7477 - 9076
(A) × 49
405 - 436
(A) × 27
1205 - 1268
(A) × 6
6357 - 7476
(A) × 50
373 - 404
(A) × 28
1141 - 1204
(A) × 7
5493 - 6356
(A) × 51
341 - 372
(A) × 29
1077 - 1140
(A) × 8
4821 - 5492
(A) × 52
309 -340
(A) × 30
1045 - 1076
(A) × 9
4277 - 4820
(A) × 53
277 - 308
(A) × 31
981 - 1044
(A) × 10
3861 − 4276
(A) × 54
245 - 276
(A) × 32
949 - 980
(A) × 11
3477 −3860
(A) × 55
213 - 244
(A) × 33
917 - 948
(A) × 12
3189 − 3476
(A) × 56
181 - 212
(A) × 34
853 - 916
(A) × 13
2933 − 3188
(A) × 57
149 - 180
(A) × 35
821 - 852
(A) × 14
2677 − 2932
(A) × 58
117 - 148
(A) × 36
789 - 820
(A) × 15
2485 − 2676
(A) × 59
85 - 116
(A) × 37
757 - 788
(A) × 16
2325 − 2484
(A) × 60
53 - 84
(A) × 38
725 - 756
(A) × 17
2165 − 2324
(A) × 61
21 - 52
(A) × 39
693 - 724
(A) × 18
2005 − 2164
(A) × 62
1 - 20
(A) × 40
661 - 692
(A) × 19
1877 − 2004
(A) × 41
629 - 660
(A) × 20
1781 − 1876
(A) × 42
597 - 628
(A) × 21
1685 − 1780
The write available data per track includes the 4-byte RL information and 4-byte BL information for
each record. When transferring variable-length records, make sure to take this extra required space
into account.
The Data Exchange FMT utility erases all data on the OPEN-
x LU being formatted. If necessary, back
up the data on the OPEN-
x LUs prior to FMT formatting.
To format an OPEN-x volume using the Data Exchange FMT utility for UNIX:
Log in to the system as root.
Preparing for Data Exchange Operations