Canon PIXMA MG2440 User Manual
Page 295
You can adjust the correction level using the slider.
Digital Face Smoothing
Enhances skin beautifully by reducing blemishes and wrinkles.
You can adjust the enhancement level using the slider.
Apply to all images
Select this checkbox to correct or enhance all images in the Selected Images area
Applies the specified correction/enhancement to the image(s).
Reset Selected Image
Restores the corrected, adjusted, or enhanced image to the original uncorrected,
unenhanced, or unadjusted state.
Manual Tab
There are two menus on the Manual tab: Adjust and Correct/Enhance.
Use Adjust to adjust brightness and contrast, or to sharpen the entire image.
Use Correct/Enhance to correct/enhance specific areas.
Adjusts the overall image brightness.
Move the slider to the left to darken and right to brighten the image.
Adjusts the contrast of the image. Adjust the contrast when the image is flat due to lack
of contrast.