Davey Speedman Dual Pump Variable Speed Pump Control System User Manual
Page 30

Out Delay Timer
When the pumps are called to shut down, a delay can be set using the
**CAUTION** Take care in setting this timer as the increase in pressure due to
this delay can cause pressure spikes.
Restart Delay
When the system pressure drops below the Cut In Pressure the Speedman
restart will be delayed by the RESTART DELAY.
Standby Test Time
The “Standby Test Time” selects how long the pressure should take to drop
back down to the setpoint after a Standby Boost to determine if there is little or
no flow.
If the Boost Pressure” drops back to the “Set Point” within the “Standby Test Time” then the Speedman
determines that there must be flow and continues to operate.
If the “Boost Pressure” does not drop down to the “Set Point Pressure” within the “Standby test Time”
the Speedman detects “NO FLOW” and the system will be placed in Standby mode..
Boost Hold Time
This timer will hold the Boost Set pressure at the boosted value for the time
nominated to ensure that all mainlines, pressure tanks etc are fully pressurised.
This screen is visible when “Boost” is selected in the Standby Test screen
within the CONFIGURE menu.
No Flow Timer
This timer delays a “No Flow” shutdown by the given entered value in seconds.
Input Delay Timer
This timer sets the delay for reaction to inputs: NO FLOW & PUMP 1-6
Pressure Trip Low Delay
Delays the activation of the Speedman Output Relay when programmed for
Pressure Trip (both Pressure Trip 1 & 2)
Pressure Trip High Delay
Delays the deactivation of the relevant Output relay if programmed for
Pressure Trip (both Pressure Trip 1 & 2)
The screens “Pressure Trip Low Delay” and “Pressure Trip High Delay” are only visible if at least one output is
set to “pressure trip 1” or “pressure trip 2” in the OUTPUTS menu.
Flow Trip Low Delay
Delays the activation of the relevant Speedman Output if programmed for Flow
Trip. This delay timer is relevant for the Low Flow Trip setting.
Out Delay Timer
XXX Seconds
Restart Delay
XXX Seconds
Standby Test Tm
XXX Seconds
Boost Hold Time
XXX Seconds
I/P Delay Timer
XXX Seconds
No Flow Timer
XXX Seconds
Pres Trip Lo Dly
XXX Seconds
Pres Trip Hi Dly
XXX Seconds
Flow Trip Lo Dly
XXX Seconds